Kitagawa Iron Works Ltd (KIW) is a Japanese mixed engineering group established in 1936. Listed on the Tokyo stock exchange the company includes a machine tool division, a foundry, construction division and building materials. Makers of the world’s most popular chuck in the B200 series open centre power chuck.
KIW’s stated focus is on “delivering products and services that satisfy customers” and all its employees share in four basic values that form the basis of this focus:
• Customer first
• Innovation
• Sincere heart and courage
• Employee Satisfaction
KIW’s continual drive is to develop and improve the product range to meet the demands and productivity necessities of the modern manufacturing world whilst maintaining excellent quality, service and support.
The current product range includes:
Standard Power Chucks
Advanced Chucks
Rotary Cylinders
NC Rotary Tables
Power Vices
Manual Chucks
Work Grippers
Robot Grippers
Automation Solutions
In 1982 Kitagawa Europe Ltd (KEL) was founded to promote the machine tool accessory products firstly in the UK and then by 1985 throughout Europe, Middle East, India and Africa.
KEL has built on this strong foundation and has added complementary products to the core Kitagawa range including: Steady Rests and the KEM Mandrel and continues to expand its service and support to the manufacturing sector.
Kitagawa providing trust in the future of technology.