Dedicated Micros Malta Ltd

Dedicated Micros Malta Ltd

About us

Dedicated Micros (Malta) Ltd. has an established and longstanding relationship producing complex PCBA and Finished Products, mainly for Aerospace Industries. Our production facility is spread over 3000sqm and is located on the island of Malta in Europe.

In our ESD-compliant production facility, assemblies are manufactured according to customer specifications. Production personnel are trained to IPC610 standards in order to guarantee you with the highest quality and reliability of the products manufactured.



Electronics Technician (Repairs)

As a Repair Technician you will be required to
1. Evaluate, diagnose, troubleshoots systems, and perform repairs as necessary.
2. Diagnose and repair production electronic systems to component level using both hardware and software analysis tools.
3. Perform production in-line testing on box build electronic system
4. Document and maintain accurate records of all work performed, as required

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Electronics Engineer

The main duties include

Design, manage, test, and update all kinds of electronic systems, components, equipment, and software
Discuss proposals with clients
Liaise with engineers, and other professionals to ensure quality projects are completed to specifications
Test theoretical design
Ensure all equipment and products meet health and safety regulations
Develop effective maintenance and quality control procedures
Write up technical reports
Recommend design modifications

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Contact information

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