Ginger Digital

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LinkedIn: There really is no better place to get in front of a B2B audience at scale, especially for large value purchases, and certainly if your solution is industry or vertical specific.
In the right hands, LinkedIn Ads can be an excellent tool for growth. In the wrong hands? You’re likely to burn through a lot of money very quickly!

LinkedIn ad campaign planning, set up, optimisation is not like running ads on Google or Facebook, it’s very different. More and more B2B clients are beginning to acknowledge that LinkedIn paid advertising is a significant enough channel to warrant attention of its own.

Because of this, an increasing number of organisations are turning to experts to handle their LinkedIn ad campaigns, rather than continuing to use their typical generalist marketing agencies.

Why LinkedIn ads are perfect for B2B marketing!
– 63+ million business decision-makers are on LinkedIn
– If you are a B2B organisation, the right audience targeting matters
– We can target your ideal customer based on traits such as job title, company name or industry, and by
professional or personal interests also by remarketing
– We can run account-based marketing campaigns to ensure engagement with key decision-makers
– 40% of B2B marketers find LinkedIn the most effective channel for quality leads
– LinkedIn delivers 2x the conversion rates of other platforms
– Brands say they see a significant 33% increase in purchase intent from ad exposure on LinkedIn.
– We are an award-winning agency with a different approach

Let’s be honest: no one buys off the first touch in B2B. That’s why having a full funnel strategy is key for B2B businesses (and our clients would agree!). Download our free LinkedIn Full Funnel Strategy (above) to get clued up on this strategic approach!

Want to find out more? Get in touch with us on 01488 670244 and speak to one of the team here at Ginger, or use the contact form below to drop us a line!

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